The Unexpected SAHM

I never thought I'd be in this position.  A little over a year ago I had a job.  I wanted to be a SAHM, but on my own terms.  Unfortunately, it didn't happen as planned.  Nothing ever does.

So how did I land here?? My husband and I both got new jobs in a different state, so we picked up and moved. Four months later, after we already bought our new home, I lost my job.  It was no fault of my own, but it still sucked and was a big kick in the dick nonetheless.  I felt defeated, alone, and like a failure.  I had to pull my son out of daycare...again... and surprise, I was newly pregnant with our second son. What... the... fuck, right?

This past year has been harder than I ever would have imagined.  On top of trying to figure out how to manage everything around the house and a child, I had pregnancy hormones.  Now, one year later I'm still trying to figure all of that out except now I don't have pregnancy hormones - just one extra babe. Oh and did I mention that I've been applying to jobs constantly for a year - with no luck at all. So that's also a big blow.

I chose to begin blogging because I wanted to feel like I have a job other than SAHM. So in the meantime, this is my pretend job. If something comes of it then cool - if not then I won't be butt hurt, it's just a hobby.

This new hobby is allowing me to sharpen my skill set, learn something new, remember how to type, and acts as a creative outlet for myself.  If you are a SAHM, you are likely nodding your head in agreement, and may be searching for or hoping for some actual time to do something you love or enjoy.

If you're reading this, maybe you can relate or maybe you know someone like me.  Maybe some of my posts will help you through, and make you feel like you're not alone.  I believe if I can make an impact on just one person, it makes this pretend job worth it.


Valentine's Day Stamps by Minted