Must Haves for After Birth

Yay! You did it - or Yay! You're pumping yourself up to do it... you push that baby(ies) out!

To my mommy veterans, if you already did it and are just now reading this, I'm sorry - your must haves won't get to you for at least 2 days if you order right now.. That is if you choose 2 day shipping with your Prime account.  But the good news is you're probably going to be in the hospital that long, so these items will be waiting on your doorstep when you get home!

To my preppers - way to go! Giddy up, it's going to be a wild ride. Save this page, because in another year or two if you do this again, you'll be part of the group of women discussed above.  After number one, you will forget to do things all the time or won't have time for shit and self care goes out the window.

So without further ado, here are items that saved me and my bits.

1. Wash Bottle

This little device will be the start of your new bathroom regimen for the next couple weeks since you will not be allowed to wipe your bits with toilet paper. You will love how it feels to squirt nice warm water on your aching burning bits. It's like a bidet in the palm of your hand! You will be in the bathroom for a long ass time as you enter into your journey of recovery, and this will be one of the best parts of that journey.

2. Tucks Pads

Okay, let's get real. You're likely going to get hemorrhoids, just like your probably took a shit while you were pushing that babe out.  These feel sooooo good as part of your pee and pat down regimen.  I recommend just getting the one pack.  I bought a two pack and didn't even get through one after having two kids. You will want to call me and thank me after you take your first crap after birth.

3. Perineal Spray
Spraying your bits down with this after your pee and pat down regimen will help you feel like a....summers eve.  Another nice thing about this product is you can spray it on your face too.... which you might want to do during that first crap.

4. Perineal Cold Packs
Need I say more? I mean, making padcicles sounds fun and all, but who has time for all that? You will get a hold of these in the hospital and be sure to take them home with you! But let's be real, they will be cheaper if you buy them - who knows what astronomical cost the hospital will charge. Be sure to get the ones with the adhesive, they are much better.

5. Depends
You're going to bleed a lot, and you're going to bleed for weeks. You're also going to pee a little when you laugh, cry, cough, sneeze -- you get the idea.  These are also great at holding those cold packs in place.  Surprisingly, they are real comfortable too.  I hated saying goodbye.

6. Motherhood Maternity Underwear
When you graduate from your Depends, these are a great alternate option.  They are soooooo comfortable, you'll wear them well after pregnancy.  Your husband won't thank me, but you will.

7. Night Time Pads
When your bleeding starts to dissipate you can graduate to some dandy night time pads, and eventually you'll feel secure enough to get regular ole pads.  I recommend the thin - and always get wings.  I have no idea how anyone can not have wings...  Anyway, I found that if the pad was too puffy, it interfered with my healing.  By the time you're in pads you might be a little itchy from your healing incisions and still feel rather bruised, so you won't want much interference.

8. Ibuprofen 
Here's something they don't tell you.  All you get afterward for pain is Ibuprofen... go figure.

I hope this list has been helpful to you! Let me know how it goes. Good luck to you mama, you can do this! You are strong enough, you are good enough. Follow your instincts and don't feel bad about pain management. That shit hurts.


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